
Balthazar, Dominico, Malaquias and Silas

This project was an exploration of sewing and embroidery of four characters for a story called "Lost and Found", a tale about gnomes that live in the Forest of Tomorrow. 


The Wise

As the oldest gnome of all, he holds the oldest secrets of its kind. He lived many adventures alongside his companions and led great expeditions across the Forest of Tomorrow. 

He is also an author of three books and teaches lute.


The Thief

The smallest of all gnomes and also the most agile. He uses his physical abilities to enter houses and disappear with small objects. Thimbles, lighters and spoons are his favorites.


The Tea Drinker

The family cook is the happier and more cheerful gnome. He is always drinking tea, so that everything is very well digested, his favorite tea it's chamomile with ginger.  Oh... His hat has magical powers!


The Bard

Perhaps the smallest bard who ever lived! He lives dancing and telling the gnomes' stories with his deep voice.

The Process

I also created miniature props using paper and felt.

"You can't hit what you can't see"

Balthazar Rud'prix